Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project Idea

Im going to do a project on japanese fashion.The reson for this is that it's going to be really fun and exciting,because I know a lot about it itl'll be a fun,easy and an interesting project.I will give many visuals,information and background checks on all the examples that I will give. The title of the project is called "Nihon-go Fashion iku".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


HOLA,my name is Angelica lawrence but you can just call me angie.Im16 years old my blood type is O negative and im5'2.My birthday is August10,1992 and my zodiac sign is leo.My favorite colors are everything except orange.I was born a faternal twin and ehr name is angelina.In my pastime i can be found sleeping,skating or hanging out with friends and attitude needs a little adjusting but im trying as hard as i can.Maybe someday i will finally grow up mentally.I really dont like school but i appreciate it.It taught me some important life lessons.Im slim slender with short hair and bangs, i recently cut it.Im Panamanian and bajan just say im a panabajan.Thats a little joke imade I dont care if you dont think it's funny.The type of music i listen to is eveything.When i was younger I was exposed to lots of thing that others werent. i dolike to study different languages espically japanese and spanish,in ife thats all i want to know. I hope you enjoy my blog because i know i will!